Community Advocacy Project (CAP)This is done by visiting communities, schools, religious institutions, motor parks, market places, orphanages to0%Goal:₦ 2,000,000Raised:₦ 12,975To Go:₦ 1,987,025
Empower The CommunityEmpowering beneficiaries on income generating ventures such as selling of foodstuffs, POS business0%Goal:₦ 2,000,000Raised:₦ 0To Go:₦ 2,000,000
Feed The Hungry ChallengeFeed The Hungry Challenge( Another one coming by 1st week of April)29%Goal:₦ 1,200,000Raised:₦ 350,000To Go:₦ 850,000
Health ls Wealth ProjectThis is done through campaigns, workshops, sensitization and creating awareness in communities, villages, schools, religious institutions,0%Goal:₦ 800,000Raised:₦ 0To Go:₦ 800,000